Local Farmers

Local Farmers

Local Farmers

Animation Video

Animation Video







July-October 2023




Local Farmers is a short 3D animation video about the troubles farmers have to face when their fresh food products get rejected. The style of the video draws inspiration from claymation. Through this animation, I convey how large grocery retail stores reject fresh produce due to them not meeting their specific standards. I hope to raise awareness through this video so that people who shop at supermarkets can gain an understanding of what goes on behind the supermarket shelves.

Initial Ideas

When creating this video I wanted to exaggerate the idea of how large companies such as Coles and Woolworths reject fresh produce due to them not meeting their specific standards. 

Through creating a sense of silly exaggeration I hope to raise awareness of the issue so that both children and adults who shop at supermarkets can gain an understanding of what goes behind the supermarket shelves.

My initial storyboard was a bit blank and didn't show who was impacted by the supermarket standards. So rather than depicting just fruits I decided to create characters people can relate to.

When creating this video I wanted to exaggerate the idea of how large companies such as Coles and Woolworths reject fresh produce due to them not meeting their specific standards. 
Through creating a sense of silly exaggeration I hope to raise awareness of the issue so that both children and adults who shop at supermarkets can gain an understanding of what goes behind the supermarket shelves.
My initial storyboard was a bit blank and didn't show who was impacted by the supermarket standards. So rather than depicting just fruits I decided to create characters people can relate to.
When creating this video I wanted to exaggerate the idea of how large companies such as Coles and Woolworths reject fresh produce due to them not meeting their specific standards. 
Through creating a sense of silly exaggeration I hope to raise awareness of the issue so that both children and adults who shop at supermarkets can gain an understanding of what goes behind the supermarket shelves.
My initial storyboard was a bit blank and didn't show who was impacted by the supermarket standards. So rather than depicting just fruits I decided to create characters people can relate to.

I decided to depict the story through the characters of Dave the Farmer and Morris the Inspector. For Dave, I decided to give him a smaller and rounded figure to depict how small farmers can be compared to the supermarket giants. 

For the eyes, I gave Morris slanted eyes to additionally depict his strict attitude where he is only interested in perfectionism compared to Dave who has wide-open eyes.

Seeing Dave put all his effort into farming I wanted the audience to feel attached to Dave and notice how such a small figure can be bullied.

Morris in comparison to Dave has a large stature which is more rectangular compared to Dave. 

I did this to visually represent the stubbornness and rigidness companies can have towards farmers when accepting their fresh produce. 

Seeing Dave put all his effort into farming I wanted the audience to feel attached to Dave and notice how such a small figure can be bullied.
Morris in comparison to Dave has a large stature which is more rectangular compared to Dave. 
I did this to visually represent the stubbornness and rigidness companies can have towards farmers when accepting their fresh produce. 
Seeing Dave put all his effort into farming I wanted the audience to feel attached to Dave and notice how such a small figure can be bullied.
Morris in comparison to Dave has a large stature which is more rectangular compared to Dave. 
I did this to visually represent the stubbornness and rigidness companies can have towards farmers when accepting their fresh produce. 

Another design choice was changes to the clothing of Morris, where I decided to make his appearance duller by changing the colour of his suit to a dull red. 

Additionally compared to Dave Morris face is clumpier and less smooth to give the sense that he is the villain within the video.

Another design choice was changes to the clothing of Morris, where I decided to make his appearance duller by changing the colour of his suit to a dull red. 
Additionally compared to Dave Morris face is clumpier and less smooth to give the sense that he is the villain within the video.
Another design choice was changes to the clothing of Morris, where I decided to make his appearance duller by changing the colour of his suit to a dull red. 
Additionally compared to Dave Morris face is clumpier and less smooth to give the sense that he is the villain within the video.